A New Year….a New Focus??

Happy New Year to all who are reading this. I don’t bother with “resolutions” or verbalizing intentions when the new calendar is hung. That is great if it works for you, but maybe my “creative” brain that prefers to go with the flow gets overwhelmed if I’m too organized. But, for me, it’s more likely that this year, 2024, needs to be “flexible”, so I don’t think I should set specific goals quite yet. Let me explain…..

I recently became a new Grandma and had my 59th birthday within days of each other this Fall. I’m really excited for this, as I’ve watched many of my long time friends take on this much loved title. So, I want flexibility to be available to help out with my granddaughter when it’s needed.

As the farming economy continues to be volatile—the increasing costs for inputs such as seed, fertilizer, crop treatments, equipment, labor, etc.— if I am flexible with my time to help out where needed, this is very important. Not hiring an extra worker, if we could even find someone, and utilizing my skillset keeps the money in the family.

Our youngest graduates from college this Spring, and after having her 19 hours away for the last four years, I want to spend time with her, making new memories once she is back home. This may only be for a short time in her schedule, as she contemplates Grad school vs. starting her career. Once again, flexibility is key.

My mother and mother in law aren’t getting any younger, and I often feel bad for not making more time to spend with them. I want to do things together while they are still able to get around and enjoy activities. Taking a trip to Europe is something my mom, daughter and I have discussed for years is high on our priority list, so being flexible with my calendar is huge this year.

This is why the words “flexible; flexibility” are so important to my life in 2024. So many unknowns, what ifs, possible itineraries, plans and bucket list items must also play along with flower crop choices, supply ordering, planting and harvest dates, class scheduling….. When most of my fellow flower farmers are ordering their seeds and making their flower field maps, I’m wondering what should I cut back on with my floral business in order to have the time and flexibility to enjoy the other parts of my life that have taken a back seat of sorts? I can always forge “full steam ahead” later this year or even next year if I decide to, but I can never get back the time that I missed in not doing the things I had hoped to do with the special people in my life.

My solo flower farmer gig sure has grown the last few years. I have a wonderful group of loyal floral designers and friends that encourage me more than they will ever know. But, will they remember me and my pretty flowers if I take a step back this year? Will they return to me and support my business if I’m not hustling as usual? I would bet most would understand my dilemma, and encourage me to make the time for the personal parts that have been waiting for the “right time” and just GO FOR IT! As the younger generation says, “Y.O.L.O.”!

I know I will still have flowers to sell and to make lovely designs with this season, even if I don’t plant an extra seed this Spring. Think PEONIES….PERENNIALS….SELF-SOWING FLOWERS….BULBS….SHRUBS…. I’m very thankful for the 35 years I’ve gardened in this one location. So, keep me in mind, I’ll keep you posted on what I’m up to, and remember to live your life as if tomorrow is not promised. Be “FLEXIBLE”!

“Living the dream, working in the dirt”…..

~ Terri